Melaleuca Blog

Melaleuca article photo

Walk Your Way to Wellness

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25% of U.S. deaths are due to heart disease. Melaleuca says better health begins with…

Funny Ad - Melaleuca Eats Muffin Tops

Melaleuca Access: The Muffin Eater

This image, from Melaleuca’s Vitality For Life magazine, says a whole lot in just a few words, and made us chuckle. You exercise to get…

Melaleuca Foundation orphan at Santa Lucia

Enhancing Lives at the Santa Lucia Children’s Home

Every child in the Santa Lucía Children’s Home has a heartbreaking past. They come from unfortunate situations and broken homes. Arriving under the age of 8, many of these children witnessed abuse, neglect, alcoholism, drug addiction or prostitution before being placed in a new environment. Fortunately, these children

Melaleuca Champion Bernard Lagat Sets Another American Record

AFTER CRUSHING THE LAST TWO LAPS at the Millrose Games men’s 2-mile race, Bernard Lagat crumpled to the track just as the announcer told the…

4 Easy Changes For a Safer, Healthier Environment

Team up with Melaleuca and together we can make all the difference. It’s one thing to desire to make the world a better, cleaner place.…

Woman at the fridge

Are You Eating More By Eating Less Often?

WHEN WE EAT MORE OFTEN, we can eat fewer calories. Seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? But the science is fairly simple: When our stomachs are empty,…

Get Started With Access Fat-Burning Technology

You know that Melaleuca’s Access Bars and Shakes can help you increase lean muscle and reduce fat. You want to get the most out of…

Melaleuca Access inventor

ACCESS the Power Within

NEARLY 20 YEARS HAVE PASSED since Dr. Larry Wang created Access. Since then, the Access Bars and Shakes have helped thousands of athletes achieve their…

sit ups

Exercises To Target and Tighten Your Abs

YOU’RE EATING SMART and getting your heart rate up through daily cardio. Now, use the exercises shown here to target all your abdominal muscles. With…

A Melaleuca article about diet.

Eat More to Lose More

THREE SQUARES A DAY, that’s what you were raised on, right? But eating large, well-spaced breakfasts, lunches, and dinners may actually stall your weight loss…

Photo of Sol-U-Guard Botanical

Protect the Environment Most Important to You: Your Home

ANY HOME CLEANING product’s top priority should be to work well. Melaleuca’s products are proven to be effective at keeping your home and everything in…

Lagat family - Melaleuca

Running Legend, Father and Melaleuca Athlete

“THE MOST PAINFUL RACE OF MY LIFE” is how Bernard Lagat described his first-ever world-class 1,500-meter race in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1998. From the moment…