4 Easy Changes For a Safer, Healthier Environment
Team up with Melaleuca and together we can make all the difference.

It’s one thing to desire to make the world a better, cleaner place. It’s another altogether to actually do something about it.
With Melaleuca’s EcoSense® products, you can make a real difference. A difference for the environment inside and outside your home. A difference you can share with others.
Did You Know? 500,000 tons of pollutants pour into lakes and rivers each day in the U.S. alone.
The Problem: The household products you use can have harmful chemicals that end up down the drain. Those chemicals are not removed after passing through a water treatment facility and can end up in lakes and rivers.
The Solution: Only use cleaning products—such as Tub & Tile™, Sol-U-Guard® and Diamond Brite®—that are free from chlorine bleach, phosphates and other harsh chemicals to keep our waterways clean.
Did You Know? A whopping 90% of the energy used to wash clothes goes to just heating the water.
The Problem: Most regions are experiencing significant energy demand growth, which puts pressure on global fossil fuel consumption.
The Solution: Use cold water to wash clothes whenever possible to save over $10 a month on your electric bill. MelaPower® 6x is formulated specifically to perform in cold water. It’s so unique it’s patented.
Did You Know? Vehicle exhaust contributes roughly 60% of all carbon monoxide emissions nationwide, and up to 95% in cities.
The Problem: Air pollution can cause a variety of environmental effects such as acid rain, haze, ozone depletion, forest damage, and climate change.
The Solution: Do your weekly errands in a single trip. Walk, bike or carpool whenever possible. And with concentrated products from Melaleuca, we don’t ship unneccessary water—reducing CO2 emissions.
Did You Know? Americans use approximately 1 billion plastic shopping bags every year, creating 300,000 tons of landfill waste.
The Problem: Every year, the U.S. generates approximately 230 million tons of trash—about 4.6 pounds per person, per day. Less than one-quarter of it is recycled; the rest is incinerated or buried in landfills.
The Solution: Buying concentrated products like EcoSense cleaning and laundry products helps reduce packaging that’s thrown away and cuts down on the need to manufacture new plastics.
How Melaleuca makes a difference
Melaleuca is striving to rid the world of dangerous products laden with harmful chemicals.
Many of us grew up in households where chlorine bleach, ammonia, and highly acidic products were the norm. But that doesn’t mean our children have to.
EcoSense is a smarter, safer alternative. More and more families are joining us in our mission to eliminate dangerous cleaning products from their homes.
And why not, when you can replace them with safer, more effective, concentrated, eco-friendly solutions from Melaleuca?
Safer-for-your-home products
Making smart choices every day adds up, and the easiest choice you can make is to buy Melaleuca products because they are safer for your home and friendlier to the environment.
Related articles
- Using Melaleuca to Make a Difference (melaleucajournal.com)
- Melaleuca Attain GC Control – Could It Benefit You? (melaleucajournal.com)
- Protect the Environment Most Important to You: Your Home (melaleucajournal.com)
Great, informative article! I’ve been a customer since 2008 and will never use anything else again! The best part is, the cleaners are better than any other product out, hands down. Let’s help change the world!
I have been a very happy Melaleuca customer since 1996 – 17 years of happiness. Love this article!
Great products to save the environment and your health!
I’ve been a Melaleuca customer since April, 2007…..6 years. Wow, their products are exceptional, would never used anything else cause there’s nothing else out there that even comes close to what they have. Stellar company, I recommend it to anyone.
excellent article… I would like to post this on my blog, and get it out to my subscribers…. Love the products
I’ve been a satisfied Melaleuca customer since Nov. 1991….22 years…Vitamins are my favorite and the best on the planet and now they are PATENTED !! Cleaning products are awesome, safe, economical, and most important they work.! The compensation plan for referring others is the best there is..
Gary, I think that you posting this blog, word for word, on your own site is called plagiarism. At least put a link back to this site and give them credit for originally posting it.
I love Melaleuca. Cleaning your bathroom no longer feels like you need a gas mask to do it! Just one of the reasons I’ve been a customer since 2003.