Social Media at Convention 2014

This year at Convention 2014, we’re getting social! We’re thrilled about everything that’s happening and we hope you’ll join us. We’ll actively be posting Convention updates, announcements, and pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as they happen! You’ll definitely want to connect with us so you can be part of the Convention 2014 celebration.
Here’s How You Can Join the Social Conversation:
Follow us on Facebook
Join your Region’s Facebook group
Follow us on Twitter
Follow Senior Vice President of Sales Darrin Johnson on Twitter
Follow us on Instagram: @melaleucaconvention
Follow Sei Bella on Instagram: @seibellabeautyexperts Use #SeiBellaCoverModel
Using Hashtags
If you’re unfamiliar with using hashtags, just keep these key points in mind and you’ll be set!
- Using a hashtag categorizes your posts and Tweets, and links them to other posts and Tweets that include the same hashtag.
- You can use hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!
- When you post a message that you’d like everyone in the same audience to see on one of those social platforms, add a “#” and the hashtag word. Your message will then be searchable under that hashtag!
Example: Flight to Salt Lake City leaves in 30 minutes! So excited! #Getting2Convention
Use our #Getting2Convention hashtag over the next few days, so we can be a part of your preparation for and travel to Convention! We want to see your adventures via Tweet, Facebook post, and Instagram photos. Then watch for our official Melaleuca Convention 2014 hashtag at registration!
Photos & Videos
Remember to take photos of your Convention 2014 experience. Then post them to your personal social accounts with messages and hashtags! Just make sure not to take photos during meetings or events where we specifically request that you don’t. Also, attendees are not authorized to film the event, so please don’t use your phone’s camera to video Convention 2014 or to post clips online.
Posting on Social Media
We encourage you to share your excitement about Convention 2014, but just make sure to post and Tweet within Melaleuca’s social media policies!
Need a reminder? Review our easy-to-use guide [Link to] on implementing social media into your Melaleuca business. We look forward to connecting with you at Convention 2014!