Happy Earth Day from Melaleuca!

Let’s all do our part for a healthy planet
Each year on April 22, people around the world pause to celebrate Earth Day. Since 1970, special events across the globe have taken place on this day in support of environmental wellness.
Earth Day 2016 is especially historic, as more than 100 nations are expected to sign the Paris Agreement—a monumental climate protection treaty adopted last year by the United Nations. This global environmental initiative is one of hope and promise, as the nations who sign today do so with the commitment to lower greenhouse-gas emissions.
No matter how big or how small, nations, companies, communities, and families have the responsibility and opportunity to make a lasting, positive difference for our beautiful planet.
Can you really make a difference? At Melaleuca, we believe you can. It all starts with understanding how your choices alter the environment.
Understanding Your Environmental Impact
Whether you live in a big city or a small town, on the coast or in the mountains, earth is the place we all call home. And it’s up to us to take care of it.
Our actions impact whether or not the air we breathe is clean and the water we drink is fresh. They can also directly alter the delicate ecosystems that make life on this planet possible. We all want a clean, safe, and beautiful environment for our families to enjoy. In order to maintain that, we need to understand our connection to the world around us.
Many factors, including the decisions we make in our own homes, affect the well being of our environment. Little things we do every day can either add to the problems facing the environment or to the solutions. If everyone chooses to make just a few simple changes in their daily routine, over time our world will become cleaner and healthier for generations to come.
Making a Difference Can Be Easy
Keeping the home we live in clean is a normal part of our regular routine. When the garbage is full, we take it out. When the dishes need to be cleaned, we wash them. But when it comes to the second home we have, the earth we live on, doing our part to keep the environment clean is often overlooked.
It doesn’t take much to pollute the air, contaminate water, squander energy, or create waste. That’s why it’s important to know what we can do to reduce our negative impact on the environment. The good news is that making a difference is as easy as rethinking how we go places, what we throw away, and what we use to clean our homes.
Four Ways to Help Mother Earth
- Protect Water. First, only use cleaning products that are free from harsh chemicals like chlorine bleach and phosphates—like Safe & Mighty™ Toilet Bowl Cleaner—to keep our waterways clean. Second, use only as much water as you need and be especially mindful of anything you put down the drain.
- Conserve Energy. Whenever possible, wash your laundry in cold water. This can save you more than $10 a month on your electric bill. MelaPower® 6x is specially formulated clean your laundry in cold water. Also, turn your thermostat up 2 degrees in the summer and down 2 degrees in the winter to save energy and lower your bill.
- Improve Air Quality. Combine your weekly errands into a single trip. Ride a bike, take a walk, carpool, or use mass transit whenever possible. If you can skip a trip in your car, do it.
- Reduce Waste. Buying concentrated products like EcoSense® cleaning, laundry, and dish products helps reduce packaging that’s thrown away and cuts down on the need to manufacture new plastic packaging. By recycling aluminum cans, paper products, plastics, and glass bottles, you can reduce the amount of trash that ends up in our landfills.
The Melaleuca Difference
By choosing to purchase products from companies committed to eco-friendly practices, you are making a difference. If you’re a Melaleuca customer, you’re already helping protect the environment—whether you realize it or not.
For over 30 years, Melaleuca has made environmental wellness an important part of our company culture. Here are just a few ways how:
- Melaleuca’s EcoSense® products contain no harsh chemicals that pollute waterways and damage the environment. Instead, they are formulated with natural, biodegradable ingredients.
- Our concentrated products use less water, less plastic, and less fuel, which saves resources and decrease pollution. In fact, since 1985, Melaleuca has saved:205,701,712 pounds of plastic,
41,013,695 gallons of gasoline,
and 46,145,876 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions… all because customers like you purchase our concentrated products!
- We use recycled and sustainably sourced materials in our manufacturing. We even recycle the plastic bins used to move products at our plant.
- By shipping our products directly to you, we save you a trip to the grocery store. And because our trucks our packed to capacity, we maximize fuel use.
- Our facilities use skylights and energy-efficient lighting to cut back on electricity. And our facilities in Idaho Falls, Idaho, are powered 97% by wind and hydroelectricity.
As you can see, Melaleuca is committed to protecting Mother Earth, and we hope you’ll join us. Start small by implementing the environmentally friendly practices suggested above. You can even share them with your family, friends, and neighbors.
This planet is our only home. And what a beautiful home it is. By working together, we can preserve a healthy environment for ourselves, our children, and for generations to come.
We all take a part in earth day but with Melaleuca it’s everyday