Is a Filthy Home Safer for Your Children?

A clean home. Who needs it?
After a new, independent study concluded that cleaning your home as little as once a week with national brand cleaners was as dangerous for your lungs as smoking a pack a day for twenty years, some parents are seriously wondering if cleaning the house is worth it at all. And who would blame them?
If adult lungs suffer when we breathe in the dangerous chemicals of national brand cleaning products, what about the developing lungs of children?
Yes, it’s just what you suspected: toxic chemicals are extremely dangerous for your children.
Here is what you need to know about hazardous chemicals and your child’s lungs:
• While toxins threaten everyone’s health, infants and children are especially sensitive to toxins and are very susceptible to air pollution
• Children are more vulnerable to chemicals (pound-by-pound because of their smaller body weight)
• Children’s bodies are less able to detoxify because their organs are not fully developed
If the hazardous chemicals in national brand cleaners are affecting adult respiratory health, imagine what they are doing to children who live in the same home, eat in the same kitchen, bathe in the same bathrooms, walk on the same floors, and breathe the same air! Their little lungs—so pure and clean—should be breathing air that is equally as pure and clean.
Giving up on cleaning all together (as tempting as that may sound some days) is not the answer. Living in filth comes with its own frightening threats to children’s health.
The good news is, it’s possible to provide your little ones with the home environment they deserve—freshly scrubbed, tidy and clean (even disinfected)—without harsh, toxic, organ-damaging chemicals.
Melaleuca scientists formulated EcoSense products to get your house sparkling clean without ammonia, chlorine bleach, quaternary disinfectants, or other dangerous chemicals. In fact, our cleaning products are so safe that no child safety caps are required.
You can have a clean home that is also toxin-free! Only EcoSense is the safer, more effective alternative.
Melaleuca products came into our lives at a time we were doing a lot of thinking about what we put into our bodies. How great it is to know we are able to keep our home environment safe as well as care for the world in which we live. We feel blessed to be able to accomplish all that in one place and in a few minutes each month. AND the shopping is economical, convenient and of excellent quality!
Better, Safer, Greener, Healthier, Natural, High Quality, High Value, Non Toxic Products for about the same price as what you’re paying for Low Quality, Low Value, Chemically Induced Products that are Harmful to your Health, and Highly Toxic products that are Proven to cause Serious Lung Damage, Athsma, and Cancer. Why would Parents continue to put their Families Health at Serious risk, when there is such a better options w many additional Benefits?? Only God knows why.
The pollutants in cleaning products are very dangerous. My mother used to use bleach to clean the house, the clothes, and sometimes a little bit in the tub when she bathed to “kill germs”. After years of doing this she developed COPD and had never smoked a cigarette in her life. She was only 56 years old when she passed. Mela products should be in every home in America.
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years and can’t find anything better I love the Products