Celebrate Earth Day, Every Day, With EcoSense by Melaleuca

Each day we make choices that affect Planet Earth. Since today is Earth Day, we thought this page from LIA Magazine would be appropriate to share. How do you choose to live?

Melaleuca EcoSense

From the April 2013 Leadership in Action Melaleuca Magazine


  1. Shirley Newton on April 22, 2013 at 3:38 pm

    I am enjoying the clean, fresh smell of the products. I ordered the EcoSense pack and am enjoying finding all the uses for these products. I had 3 spots on our bedroom carpet and the carpet looks great. Now I have to shampoo the entire carpet it looks so good.

  2. Ruth Petre on April 22, 2013 at 7:47 pm

    I Used Tide To Some Towels, Since I Got A Jug Of It From A Friend . MyTowels Now Smell Very Musty, I WilL Definitely Go BackTo Using My Mela Power So My Towels Come Out Smelling Clean AndFresh Again!